
What Are Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells crafted from tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth. These cosmetic dentistry enhancements are made typically from porcelain or resin composite materials and are permanently bonded to your teeth. Veneers are primarily used to improve the appearance of your smile by altering the color, shape, size, or length of your teeth. They can mask discolorations, brighten teeth, and are a less invasive alternative to crowns. Perfect for those looking to correct imperfections such as slight gaps, chips, uneven teeth, or misshapen teeth, veneers in Pittsburgh provide a durable and aesthetic solution.

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Consultation and Planning

Your veneer journey begins with a thorough consultation with Dr. Curtis Crandall. During this initial visit, you will discuss your aesthetic goals and the dentist will examine your teeth to ensure veneers are an appropriate solution. Impressions of your teeth might be taken as part of the planning process for designing your perfect smile.

Tooth Preparation

To prepare your teeth for veneers, a small amount of enamel is carefully removed from the front surface of each tooth. This is a crucial step to accommodate the shell-like structure of the veneer, ensuring it fits perfectly and looks natural. This process is generally painless and may involve local anesthesia to minimize discomfort.

Veneer Bonding

Once your custom veneers are ready, Dr. Crandall will temporarily place them on your teeth to examine their fit and color. After any necessary adjustments, the teeth will be cleaned and the veneers will be bonded using a special adhesive and curing light. This step solidifies the bond between the veneers and your teeth, completing the transformation of your smile.

Veneers Benefits


Enhanced Appearance

Veneers provide a significant aesthetic improvement to your smile by mimicking the natural appearance of healthy teeth. They can transform worn, misaligned, or discolored teeth into a bright, straight, and appealing smile, boosting both your confidence and appearance.



Crafted from high-quality materials such as porcelain, veneers are highly durable and resistant to stains from coffee, tea, and cigarette smoke. With proper care, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, your veneers can maintain their beauty and function for many years.


Minimal Tooth Alteration

Compared to other restorative procedures like dental crowns, veneers require minimal alteration of your natural teeth. Only a thin layer of enamel is removed to accommodate the veneer, which preserves more of your tooth's natural structure and maintains stronger tooth integrity.

Discover The Difference

Changing Smiles, Changing Lives


Dr. Yousef started with bite therapy and then went into study models, provisional staging, and then finals. The results? A beautiful new smile for this awesome patient!


To restore this patient's smile back to its true form, Dr. Yousef placed several implants. Dr. Yousef then completed mounted models as well as provisional crowns and final crowns.

Crowns and Bridges

Dr. Johnson placed 6 upper anterior crowns, completely restoring this patient's severely decayed and broken smile.

Snap-In Dentures

This patient came to Dr. Johnson with an upper partial and a variety of ill fitting and failing crowns. A set of snap-in dentures on the patient's upper arch restored their health to its peak form.

Snap-In Dentures

Broken and missing teeth kept this patient from smiling with confidence. Dr. Johnson was able to renew the natural form and function of their smile with a set of snap-in denutres on their upper arch.

Snap-In Dentures

Before coming to our office, this patient struggled with failing teeth, recession, and bone loss. With a set of upper and lower snap-in dentures, Dr. Johnson was able to completley restore their smile.Before coming to our office, this patient struggled with failing teeth, recession, and bone loss. With a set of upper and lower snap-in dentures, Dr. Johnson was able to completley restore their smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do veneers last?

Veneers are designed for longevity and durability, typically lasting anywhere from 7 to 15 years, depending on the material and the care they receive. Porcelain veneers often last longer than resin composite veneers. To maximize the lifespan of your veneers, maintain excellent oral hygiene, avoid biting into very hard foods, and wear protection if you grind your teeth at night.

Are veneers right for everyone?

While veneers are a versatile cosmetic solution, they are not suitable for everyone. Ideal candidates should have overall healthy teeth and gums. Conditions such as severe tooth decay, gum disease, or insufficient enamel can preclude the use of veneers. Dr. Curtis Crandall can determine if veneers are a viable option for you during a detailed consultation.

How do I care for my veneers?

Caring for veneers is similar to caring for your natural teeth. Regular brushing twice a day, fusing daily, and attending regular dental check-ups are essential. It's also important to avoid using your teeth as tools to open packaging or chew on hard objects like pens, as this can chip or damage the veneers. For those who play contact sports, wearing a mouthguard can help protect your veneers from impact-related damage.

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